Shore to Shore coverage and flexible plans that move as fast as you do.

- Works up to 20 miles from the shore depending on the equipment used and mast height.
- Perfect for fishing boats, sail boats, yachts, scientific ships, wind farms, oil platforms, coast guard & sea rescue vessels.
- Share internet with many users across the vessel, expandable access points distribute and expand internal coverage of WIFI.
- Keep critical onboard weather/navigation systems up to date and synchronized while near shore.
- Monitor vessel health and security systems from a far.
Product Highlight
WeBBoat® 4G Lite EVO

- Single SIM 4G/WIFI All-In-One Coastal Internet System.
- Integrated system to surf the web at sea (up to approximately 15 miles from the coast) and in marginal signal areas on land.
- Up to 150 Mbs Download Speeds.
- Lite EVO is a true Plug and Play device that requires minimal setup and only one power lead for the antenna which operates from 10-30 Vdc.
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WeBBoat® 4G Plus EVO

- Dual SIM 4G/WIFI All-In-One Coastal Internet System.
- Integrated system to surf the web at sea (up to approximately 20 miles from the coast) and in marginal signal areas on land.
- Up to 300 Mbs Download Speeds.
- The Dual SIM architecture allows the user to have more choices for operation (i.e. different carriers for coverage, extra data if one card runs out, etc).